Thursday, October 30, 2014

Almost Four Months Post-Op: Walking (somewhat) Normally

It's going on four months since my sesamoidectomy and life is slowly returning to normal. I am wearing supportive shoes or Dr. Scholl's inserts as much as possible and wearing house shoes around the house.

The ball of my foot is sore almost constantly and it is still difficult to roll through the middle of my foot when walking instead of the outside of my foot as I have trained myself to do over the years to cope with the pain. Now it's less of a pain-thing, though, and more of a habit that I need to break.

My foot still feels stiff and my movement is limited. I can walk more quickly than I could about a month ago, but it comes at a price. After a day on my feet I am eager to prop them up for a while and rest.

Although it feels sore and stiff, I do not sense the pain I used to have prior to surgery, which I am really happy about. But I still feel like I have a long way to go before I return to "normal."

It takes effort to stay positive as I wish I could just sprint every once and a while in this cooler weather, just to say that I can. One struggle has been not having as much energy, or the endorphins that are so great when you are consistently working out. I feel more lethargic and less motivated to stay on top of my health, but I know it is just a season.

My next appointment is in about 3 weeks. I am eager to hear the doctor's perspective on how my healing is progressing, and also to ask when I can start easing back into some of my favorite work-outs like YOGA!!

If you're walking this road with me, hang in there! I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.