Monday, July 28, 2014

One Week Post-Op

It's been one week since I had my lateral sesamoid removed. I am making a point of celebrating today, because it has been a challenging recovery - maybe more emotionally than physically. It is very hard to let others take care of you. I am making each week a big mile marker so that I have something to look forward to.

I've been off my pain meds for about 48 hours, though I considered taking some yesterday when I accidentally slipped off my scooter and landed on my bandaged foot... OW. That hurt pretty bad - it felt like a shock wave rippled through my body up to my shoulders. The pain lasted for a few hours, but after sleeping it off I feel like I am in a good spot. I considered going in to get x-rays, but I'll be doing that any way at my first post-op appointment in one week, so I think it will be ok to wait.

The pain meds still seem to be taking a little bit of a toll on me as my appetite is not back and my stomach is giving me a little bit of a hard time.

My pain level is pretty low right now - it's mostly just discomfort and some tingling that remains. My toes feel like they're asleep, and it's probably partly due to how tight my bandages are wrapped. My heel and ankle actually feel bruised because I can't bend it. The bandages have stayed super tight against that part of my foot for a week now and the pain is setting in. It's hard to rest my foot on any surface simply because of the bruising on my heel.

I was able to shower two days post-op. I just have to make sure my foot is completely covered with trash bags and tape to ensure that no water makes it to my bandages. Also, I have to sit on a shower chair and use an extendable shower head, which I found at Target for a pretty good deal. Showers are nice and help lift my spirits a little.

Here is a picture of my foot when it's ready for shower-time.

The red part is actually the string from the trash bag, NOT blood...

I still haven't seen any part of my foot and won't until my first check up one week from now. I'm interested to see what it looks like...

I needed a little bit of happiness for my foot because the boot they have me in is totally unflattering. So... I jazzed it up a little...

Now when I look at my foot, it makes me a little happier. Also, I keep reminding myself that I CHOSE to have this surgery, and that total healing is on the horizon. I just have to keep pushing through.

In the meantime, my family and especially my HUBBY deserve HUGE PROPS. They have been amazing at taking care of me and our little 9 month old, Molly. 

If you are considering this surgery, make sure you have a helper who can be with you almost 24/7. It is a lot more difficult to do things than I imagined. One of the challenges for me has been using the scooter in a small apartment. It's really hard to go anywhere, and especially to turn around in the bathroom.

My best friend Mollie sent me a care package in the mail which really cheered me up. I'm mentioning it because I KNOW she'll be the first one to read this blog post and she totally deserves a shout out. 

So overall, the hardest part for me has been accepting the help of others and giving up some things that I usually do with my little one, like rocking her to sleep and preparing her food, which, don't get me wrong, it's nice to have others do it for you, but when you can't do it, you kinda wish you could. 

If you're looking for more information about this operation, I found another great blog for you to read that has brought me a lot of hope:

She's been through the surgery and is a couple of years past the full recovery, and testifies that there is no more pain!! Woo hoo, Kim! You go, girl!

I'm here for anyone who has questions or concerns about this surgery/condition/or anything else I can help with. You are not in this alone!

Thanks for reading. 

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