Monday, July 28, 2014

Day 12 Post-Op

Recovery seems to be going well. I am finally getting the hang of my knee scooter and have been off pain meds for about 5 days now.

I added a little carrying pouch to my scooter so I could transport things more easily around my apartment. If I'm ever out in public, little kids seem to think my ride is pretty sweet.

I can't WAIT to get to my post op appointment this Friday (in 3 days) to see how everything looks, and especially to get all of the bandages off for the first time. My foot is yearning for freedom!

I noticed that the bandaging is keeping my foot turned inward, and it has been bothering me a lot. My uncle is a physical therapist and thinks it is probably purposeful and is keeping the distance that my tendons have to stretch smaller so they can heal faster. That sounds good to me. But still, it's annoying.

I set my foot down very gently on the ground to check things out. I put the tiniest amount of pressure on my foot and was amazed at how different it feels. I thought I would only feel changes around the ball of my foot and toes, but I could feel change all the way up to my ankle. I wasn't expecting that.

The way I described the feeling to my husband was that it felt like my size 8 foot had size 4 muscles. It was a very tight, uncomfortable, and painful feeling.

I can't yet tell if any of my previous pain is gone, because I really only felt it when I was putting pressure on that foot. Two and a half more weeks (fingers crossed) until I can put weight on my foot!

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