Monday, July 28, 2014

Update on My Condition and New Findings

Hello, friends!
I am so glad that so many of you have found my blog! I hope it has been helpful in at least some capacity.

I wanted to update everyone on my situation now that our baby is here and almost 4 months old! I have a few minutes of my own to write so HERE GOES!

I still have pain in my left foot from what I believed to be a P90X injury in 2011. The pain is less severe than it has been, but pain, nonetheless, and I'm very tired of having it! Quick recap - The first orthopedic doctor I saw said I have AVN (avascular necrosis) of the sesamoid, which means there has been a loss of blood flow to that bone. His take was that if I wait it out, the bone would be absorbed by my foot and heal itself (really?), OR I could have surgery.

I wanted another opinion so I saw another specialist last week (there was a VERY big gap in time from the first appointment until this one because of the arrival of our new baby!). The specialist's name is Dr. Brodsky at Baylor Dallas. Apparently one of the best! I am very grateful that my physical therapist uncle recommended me to him.

After reviewing my xrays and MRIs, Dr. Brodsky said I have a stress fracture on my sesamoid bone. He said most likely it was repeated pressure on that point that eventually fractured it (probably P90X plyometrics- talk about killer!). He said there are two non-urgent options:

1. Get a custom-made orthotic to relieve the pressure on that part of my foot.

2. Have surgery.

He said even with the orthotic, it is advisable to refrain from high impact activities (running, jumping, etc.), and that if I want to eventually regain those abilities, I should have the surgery.


But at least there is hope!

He said the surgery is easy - in and out with only a local anesthetic. I would be on crutches for about a month and then in a boot for 3 or 4 months.

So, I feel like I should definitely have the surgery, but my question now is timing. A four month old baby does not make things much easier! But it would probably be easier with one baby than down the line when we have 2 or 3.

Anyways, there's my update! Thanks to everyone for sharing your stories - I know I have benefitted from hearing other perspectives and reading your encouragement! One of the ladies who posted has started a Sesamoid Support group on facebook if you're interested. I think it's pretty cool!

Stay strong, be positive, and be grateful for the little things! Praying healing for everyone out there.


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