Wednesday, August 6, 2014

One Month Post-Op Appointment - Scooter Be-Gone!

Warning: Graphic pictures ahead!

This check-up appointment included:

- Getting rid of my blue shoe

- Getting my stitches out

- Getting a new boot

Taking off my blue shoe was amazing. I haven't been allowed to remove it, so I welcomed the opportunity for my foot to feel fresh air. 

It is harder to tell in pictures, but my left foot is a lot more swollen than my right and my big toe is pretty enlarged. Also my left foot seems shapeless compared to the right. It's like one big puffy rectangle to me. (My toe is NOT black and blue - it's my crazy paint job. Please ignore...). Also, you can still see where I had to write "Yes" on the day of my operation to confirm that was the correct foot on which to operate. 

Here is another angle:

Getting my stitches out... well... this is how it started:

P.A.: "Are you on your pain meds?"

Me: " I haven't been for a while. Should I be?"

P.A.: (Grimacing) "Do you have any with you?"

Me: (Again) " Should I?

P.A.: "Well, this is going to hurt."

Me:    :-|

So, ya... that part was no fun. Here is my foot before the stitches were taken out. You can see white marks around my toes from not seeing the light of day. They are dry and itchy.

Here is my foot after the stitches are out:

The nurse put some stinky kind of glue over the incision site to hold everything together just in case it needed it, and then put the four pieces of tape across it as extra security. She said not to pick at them but just let them come off whenever they do.

Then the good news:

P.A.: "You can shower without anything on your foot tomorrow."

(Angels singing)

Also I can sleep barefoot now! Which will just feel heavenly.

These are the instructions I left this visit with:

Gradually increase the weight I put on my left foot using crutches or a walker. If I need to walk a long distance for some reason, I should use my scooter. 

Their suggestion was to use 25% of my weight for 2 days, then if there was no pain increase to 50% for two days, then 75% for two days, then finally 100% (all while in my new boot). If at any point I experience pain, I am to decrease the weight for another day before adding more. The big goal at this point is to be walking without crutches in a week. 

This is my new boot:

I was a little discouraged after leaving, because for some reason I had pictured magically standing up on both feet and walking out of the office while my husband tried to do tricks on my scooter behind me. 

When I got home I experimented with putting weight on my foot and was surprised that it was easier than I thought. 

The next day, I walked around the house without crutches and put most of the weight in the heel of my left foot. It was awesome!!! I cannot tell you how liberating it is to be free from my scooter. No more 5-point turns when trying to leave a room, no more wheeling over squeaky baby toys, and no more handlebars sliding down on me unexpectedly. 

Currently my foot still feels slightly numb in some areas, but for the most part feeling has returned. I can lift my big toe up higher than a few days ago, but scrunching my toes is still quite a challenge. Also, it seems like if I were to poke my foot with a needle, it would pop. I know that sounds gross, but it feels swollen like there's no room to spare. 

My foot felt tired after trudging around in my boot today, and a pack of ice really helped it feel better. 

But as far as pain goes, there really isn't any unless I put too much weight on the ball of my foot.

My next appointment is in two weeks.

Things are looking up!

Now for that shower...


  1. Thank you for sharing your experience.
    I too understand your plight
    For I just had the same surgery on July 23, 2014
    I TOTALLY understand the feeling of JOY when allowed to finally take a shower w/o a plastic bag on your foot.

    1. It's a pretty amazing feeling! How is your recovery going? Did you have your lateral or medial sesamoid removed?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I'm not quite sure which one was removed. My recovery is slow going but good. It's a lil sore but not like the 1st day. After my first shower I was amazed at how much dead skin was falling off my foot. I am in a cam boot now but my doctor wants me to try to transition into wearing a gymshoe for an hour a day. I have dissolvable stitches, so that's interesting to see how my foot will heal.
      Did you use mederma on your foot during the healing process?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. And did your numbness in your foot/toe go away? I have a little numbness in my toe on the top of it and a little on the side. I was told that the numbness feeling would eventually go away over time.
    My next dilemma is that I have an ingrown toenail on the same foot. So that's going to be fun to have that removed....NOT!
    But I'm taking all this in stride. :-)

    1. Also how does it feel to walk in a normal shoe?

  4. Yes I still have numbness. There are random numb spots scattered over the top of my foot, toes, and some on the side of my foot. But the biggest numb area is right between my big toe and second toe. It seems to get slightly better over time.

    Ouch! Sorry to hear about the ingrown nail. That can't feel good.

    I have not been told to put anything on my stitches. They put some kind of medical tape over them and told me not to pick at it so I've just left it alone. I have noticed a lot of dead skin falling off my foot and have been putting lotion everywhere except the incision site. It helps a little.

  5. I haven't started yet with walking in normal shoes yet. That is my task this week coming up. I'll keep you posted on that experience. I'm a little nervous on how it will feel.
    My doctor told me to use Mederma on my stitches. It's suppose to help with the that there won't be a big noticeable scar. I did do some research on Mederma and seem that it does help with the healing of scars. So I think I'll purchase some and see for myself. I did notice that it is rather pricey. But I was able to print a $3.00 off coupon from their website.
    As far as the dead skin and dry foot...I have been using Jergens lotion and organic coconut oil on my foot. Both help to keep my foot moisturized.

  6. Thanks so much for this information! I am so glad you have been commenting. It's so nice to know that I'm not going through this alone! I have been using lotion but will try some coconut oil if I can find time to run out to the store. That sounds like a great idea! Keep me posted on your recovery if you are able. You're in my prayers!

  7. Thank You! You are in my prayers as well. So, today I went for my follow up and to get the ingrown toenail taken out. OMG! The injections to numb my toe was AWFUL! As, the podiatrist was injecting my foot she noticed that my foot still had inflammation from the surgery. So she prescribed me Medrol. She also cut down/shaved the dead skin where my incisions is.
    I tried to wear my gymshoe from an hour like she suggested but it did go to well. My foot was still sore and a little swollen.
    I'm happy to know I'm not alone in this plight of healing from this surgery. I appreciate you for posting your experience. It gives me relief that I will be just fine. Thank you so much!

  8. Owww!! I can't imagine what that must have felt like.

    I am inspired but your endeavor to wear a real shoe! Sounds like progress.

    Thanks for the update.
