Friday, August 15, 2014

One Month Post - Op and BLISTERS! Ouch

My foot has been hurting a lot more the past few days. I even went back on the dreaded knee scooter yesterday because the pain was so bad. But it didn't feel internal. It felt like it was around the incision site.

I took my boot and sock off last night and examined the area that was hurting me. It turns out there were blisters forming where the stitches had been removed. I guess the tape they stretched across the cut after removing the stitches was rubbing the area and agitating it. It hurts so bad! It's a burning, stinging pain paired with the numbness that's still there, which just feels uncomfortable and weird.

I have put antibiotic ointment over the area and am letting my foot have some fresh air instead of keeping it wrapped in a sock all day. Hopefully this will help soon.

The ball of my foot is still pretty swollen and I can't bend my toes too much.

I can't tell if there's much internal pain right now because the pain from the blisters is all I can think about.

My next check-up is in a little less than a week. Not sure what to expect but eager to hear how everything is progressing.

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