Monday, September 1, 2014

10 Days Post Infection and...More Antibiotics

Well, I was so excited to be off of antibiotics, but after my checkup they put me back on more. They said there is still some infection there and that it takes a long time for the foot to heal because of the poor circulation. So, they prescribed more meds and gave me another (painful!) shot in my booty.

I think it is getting better slowly, but I really want to see my actual doctor. I'm going to try to get them to let me move my appointment up just to make sure everything is healing correctly. 

At the last appointment, they told me I would be in my black walking boot for at least two more weeks (this will put me at 8 1/2 weeks post-op) and then we would talk about moving into an orthotic type of shoe that I will wear on both feet. They are beautiful, let me tell you.

Can't WAIT to wear those puppies (insert sarcasm HERE).

Hopefully I will have an update SOON because I am calling tomorrow to see if I can push up my next appointment. 


  1. Puuuurdy shoes - but hey it will be like freedom for your boot foot!!! :)

  2. Keep us updated. Hope you recover well!
