Sunday, November 30, 2014

Four Month Post-Op Appointment - No More Pain!

I saw my doctor for my four month post-op appointment and everything is looking great. Here is my x-ray (11-19-14):

There isn't much to see here (haha...) just a missing bone. Everything looks as it should.

Here is the bottom of my foot four months after surgery and a close up of the scar.

As crazy as it sounds, I kind of want the scar to stay there. It is a reminder of the journey I've been on!

Here is a shot of the side of my foot. Not much swelling anymore!

I don't know when exactly it happened, but one day last week, I realized there was no pain in my foot. I was rolling through my foot normally and didn't feel uncomfortable.

Is this real life?

I don't know how it transitioned so quickly, but two weeks ago I was worried things might never be the same and I would always have discomfort, and last week I realized the pain was gone! What an answered prayer! God is so good (and so is my surgeon). :)

There is still some numbness on the top of my toe (maybe 25%), and there is definitely discomfort when I try to stretch my foot too far (like when I'm trying to reach for something on the top shelf of my pantry). But that pain is getting less each day. I can't tell you how excited this makes me!

My doctor said to continue with low impact exercises for 6-8 more weeks and then I can start transitioning back into running (not that I was a runner, but... it would be nice to say that I am able to run). 

He said the range of motion in my left foot is the same as my right - crazy, right? Also, I can wear normal, flat-soled shoes without special inserts. 

Things are definitely looking up, and I am so happy to be able to share this progress. Thank you to those of you who have been encouraging me along this journey!

Thanks for reading - I'll update again when I'm up and RUNNING! 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Almost Four Months Post-Op: Walking (somewhat) Normally

It's going on four months since my sesamoidectomy and life is slowly returning to normal. I am wearing supportive shoes or Dr. Scholl's inserts as much as possible and wearing house shoes around the house.

The ball of my foot is sore almost constantly and it is still difficult to roll through the middle of my foot when walking instead of the outside of my foot as I have trained myself to do over the years to cope with the pain. Now it's less of a pain-thing, though, and more of a habit that I need to break.

My foot still feels stiff and my movement is limited. I can walk more quickly than I could about a month ago, but it comes at a price. After a day on my feet I am eager to prop them up for a while and rest.

Although it feels sore and stiff, I do not sense the pain I used to have prior to surgery, which I am really happy about. But I still feel like I have a long way to go before I return to "normal."

It takes effort to stay positive as I wish I could just sprint every once and a while in this cooler weather, just to say that I can. One struggle has been not having as much energy, or the endorphins that are so great when you are consistently working out. I feel more lethargic and less motivated to stay on top of my health, but I know it is just a season.

My next appointment is in about 3 weeks. I am eager to hear the doctor's perspective on how my healing is progressing, and also to ask when I can start easing back into some of my favorite work-outs like YOGA!!

If you're walking this road with me, hang in there! I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Returning to Normalcy - NO MORE BOOT!

I started walking without my boot last week - a little over 2 months post-op.

It was scary at first and painful. I guess most of my discomfort was from not knowing what the new feelings were and whether or not it was normal.

But after about a week being out of my boot, I can finally say... I think my foot just might heal and be pain-free!

I'm not there yet, but I'm finally hopeful and can say with confidence that my foot is feeling more like a normal foot every day.

Thank you, Lord!

Right now, I don't have pain when I walk, but my foot does get tired after a while and feels achy. Also, there is still a lot of numbness and I am unable to fully curl my toes.

My current limitations: no running or even speed walking, no yoga. My exercise must either be riding a bike or swimming, which isn't the end of the world.

I can't wear "normal" shoes... I have to make sure they have great support. No flip flops and no heels for an eternity.

My next checkup is in a little over a month which will put me at almost four months post-op.

Until then, I'm going to enjoy my progress, take it easy, and keep thinking positive thoughts! Things are looking up!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

2 Months Post-Op - From Desperation to Belief

After about two weeks of fighting my incisional infection with Keflex and two antibiotic shots, the infection went away! My skin is still really tender in that spot and seems purple. I think it is just new skin trying to grow. 

I have had many ups and downs lately. My foot still feels very strange and unfamiliar, and some days it hurts worse than it did before surgery. My doctor said the pain is normal and should subside in a few months. 

There have been pretty bad days where I feel upset, hopeless, and confused - wishing I had never gone through with the surgery. But there are other days, like today, when I feel hopeful that healing is happening, albeit very slowly, and I just have to take it one "step" at a time. Pun intended. 

Activity updates: At my last appointment (just before 2 months post-op), I was told to slowly transition out of my boot while wearing supportive shoes, but no "mall-walking." So I guess that means no speed walking, which is pretty much my M.O. I am taking it slow, and today is my very first day to wear tennis shoes! ON BOTH FEET! 

The pain of slipping into a tennis shoe this morning was very intense. It hurt to bend my foot to get it in. But once I got the shoe laced up, it felt better and I think I can handle walking around like this, at least for part of the day today. I will get back in my boot when (or if?) the pain sets back in. 

For now, my exercise must either be riding a bike or swimming. I actually swam for the first time since my surgery last week and I think it helped a lot! It felt amazing to do some sort of physical activity and it also seemed to give my foot a little more mobility.

 After 2-3 more months I can begin speed walking and possibly jogging, depending on how my follow-up appointment goes. No yoga for a while - too much pressure on my toe. This is a major bummer! I LOVE YOGA.

Lately the pain has felt like a dull throbbing achey-ness. Around the surgical site, there is still a little bit of a burning sensation where the new skin is growing. I also have pain that wraps around the inside of my foot.

There is still numbness on the top of my foot down through my big toe. My doctor said they probably wrapped one of my boots too tightly at the beginning of this whole ordeal and it did a little bit of nerve damage. Hopefully this will go away (it seems to get a teeny bit better every day, but I HATE this feeling. When I put my finger on my big toe, I can't feel it and it freaks me out).

Here are pictures of my foot today - 2 months after surgery. 

As odd as it sounds, I kind of hope the scar stays there. This has been such an ordeal (and will be such an accomplishment in the long run) that I want to remember it and how it has changed me.

It is still pretty swollen compared to the other foot (and off-colored...kind of purple-ish red).

I can curl my toes a lot more, but as you can see, there is still a long way to go!

Top view of my feet:

In summary, this has been a heck of a ride so far. The doctor's reports are good and seem favorable for a total recovery. I am setting my sights on that and choosing to stay as positive as I can be every day. 

Thanks for reading. If you are on this journey with me, take care of yourself and try to stay positive! We can do this!

Monday, September 1, 2014

10 Days Post Infection and...More Antibiotics

Well, I was so excited to be off of antibiotics, but after my checkup they put me back on more. They said there is still some infection there and that it takes a long time for the foot to heal because of the poor circulation. So, they prescribed more meds and gave me another (painful!) shot in my booty.

I think it is getting better slowly, but I really want to see my actual doctor. I'm going to try to get them to let me move my appointment up just to make sure everything is healing correctly. 

At the last appointment, they told me I would be in my black walking boot for at least two more weeks (this will put me at 8 1/2 weeks post-op) and then we would talk about moving into an orthotic type of shoe that I will wear on both feet. They are beautiful, let me tell you.

Can't WAIT to wear those puppies (insert sarcasm HERE).

Hopefully I will have an update SOON because I am calling tomorrow to see if I can push up my next appointment. 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

One Week after Onset of Incisional Infection - No more antibiotics!

About a week ago, I found out I had an incisional infection in my foot.

They prescribed Cephalexin (antibiotics) and told me to use a warm compress on my foot several times a day to get the blood flowing to that area. They said this would also help the antibiotics take better effect.

I finished my antibiotics yesterday, thank goodness. They made me feel crummy.

They also gave me a big ole' shot in my booty with more antibiotics. Apparently the infection was pretty bad. Most likely it was caused from sweat or other bacteria from my foot that made its' way into the incision site after they removed the stitches. But we aren't entirely sure what happened. The P.A. actually told me she probably should have taken a better look after they removed the stitches and taken the scabs off so she could get a better look at how my foot was healing. Oh well, I guess hindsight is 20/20.

I was told that the less I walk on it, the faster it will heal, which has been extremely difficult because I have been planning a huge surprise birthday party for my husband (which was yesterday and went GREAT)! But I know I have put too much stress on my foot as it is swollen and a little purple. I'm trying to be good now that all the hoopla is over. It was worth it.

I go in tomorrow for a checkup to make sure the infection is gone. It definitely looks better, but it's still a little pink.

I have no idea what to expect from here on out as far as my healing timeline. I don't know if I'll be in the boot for a while longer or not. Anxious to hear. 

More updates to come. Hopefully with good news. 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Incisional Infection!

I posted yesterday about some "blisters" that were around my incision site. I called the doctor to tell them and after sending a pic in to them, they said it looks like I have an incisional infection. 


I'm on cephalexin (an antibiotic) that I take FOUR TIMES a day for a week, and in the meantime I'm back on my scooter. :( a disappointing day for sure. 

This all happened on Friday late afternoon so I couldn't make it in to their office. I'm supposed to go in first thing Monday morning to have it looked at. 

Here is a close up on the infection...




The yellowish/brown stuff is actually the glue they put over the incision site after removing my stitches. 

The infection is the reddish white circle with pink all around it. All of my skin is peeling around it and it HURTS!!

I just thought it was supposed to be painful around the incision site for a while. But yesterday I had the inclination that maybe the pain was more intense than it should be. 

Glad I called it in.

The sesamoid saga continues...